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This underpins our whole training system. Depending on your goal, strength and conditioning is a scientific approach to unlocking your potential and getting you to reach your goal. We target areas of weakness as well as improving your areas of strength. Mixing different methods to help you perform better, faster and keeping you injury free. 


Strength and Conditioning is a key area for all aspect of training as its science driven not emotionally driven. S and C isn’t victim to fitness trends and fads that die out. We focus on Strength, Power, Speed, Agility, Conditioning and Hypertrophy. We also test and train energy systems to make you able to perform at your best when the time comes in both competition and in life. 

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Through my personal experience as well as my education in this field, I have developed many techniques that are used within the realm of strength and conditioning. Im lucky enough to have been on both sides of the educational spectrum. From a professional environment and witnessing what it takes to perform at my physical best as well as now coaching international athletes and high level CEO’s using different methods I’ve learnt on my journey as a coach. 


I believe that there are many different tools to use when aiming to get someone to perform to their true potential. These are basics but they are performed ruthlessly. Our main focus uses Speed and power, gymnastics and structural balance work to maintain an optimal training state and progression. 


Our training is never random. In times of uncertainty you sink to your level of training not the situation you are in. Taking a long term approach to training will allow you to continuously grow, improve and perform better for your team or you family.

Believe it is possible ! 

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